Registreer .frl

The story of

26 August 2024

“As a physical study place, we are consciously tying ourselves to Friesland with .frl.” is a place where anyone interested in ICT can go. ‘Anyone who is open to learning is welcome,’ says Jelly Paulusma, coach at Hacklab. Jelly adds: ‘Whether you already have some knowledge or not – motivation is the most important thing.’ The workshop is aimed at digital loitering youth, gamers, school leavers, young people on the autism spectrum and those who are not being challenged in their current education. They learn about ethical hacking, programming, lockpicking, and pen testing at Why does the organisation carry a .frl domain? We got into a conversation about it.

Jelly explains enthusiastically: ‘Our network of entrepreneurs and organisations that we put our students in touch with is mostly based in Friesland. Yet there are always a handful of students from outside the province. The is a physical meeting place, which is why the .frl domain suits us well. It creates some recognisability in the north of the Netherlands. And we think that’s important. We sometimes jokingly refer to it as a kind of ‘gimmick’. But of course we mean that in a positive sense!’

Do you also want to build a strong brand? Check if your .frl domain is available!